
of the B&C Private Foundation

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Christiane Fuchs-Robetin
|  PR Manager  B&C Group
T: +43 1 53101 314  | E:  c.fuchs-robetin@bcholding.at

Foundation Board

Erich Hampel

Erich Hampel

Wolfgang Hofer

Wolfgang Hofer

Birgit Noggler

Birgit Noggler

Head of Funding and Communications

Donia Lasinger

Donia Lasinger

Nomination Committee

Ewald Aschauer

Ewald Aschauer

Dr. Cornelius Baur

Dr. Cornelius Baur

Mag. Gerald Mayer

Mag. Gerald Mayer

Dr. Dr. h.c. Veit Sorger

Dr. Dr. h.c. Veit Sorger

Ing. Markus Stocker

Ing. Markus Stocker

Mag. Norbert Zimmermann

Mag. Norbert Zimmermann

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Zollner

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Zollner

Duties of the Nomination Committee

The B&C Private Foundation has established an independent Nomination Committee to support strategic succession planning. The committee comprises high-level figures from the worlds of business and science. Its task is to help formulate job requirements for future chairs of the Foundation Board at B&C Private Foundation and play an active role in the search for suitable candidates.

General Secretary - 2022 nicht sichtbar

To help implement and drive forward measures to foster business in Austria in line with the purpose of the B&C Private Foundation, a general secretariat was established on 1 May 2017. It is headed by Mariella Schurz who, as General Secretary, acts as the B&C Private Foundation’s representative when dealing with public bodies, institutions and the media. Working in partnership with the Foundation Board, she is also responsible for the strategic development of the foundation’s business promotion activities.

General Secretary Mariella Schurz (†) 2023 - nicht sichtbar

To help implement and drive forward measures to foster business in Austria in line with the purpose of the B&C Private Foundation, a general secretariat was established on 1 May 2017. It is headed by Mariella Schurz who, as General Secretary, acts as the B&C Private Foundation’s representative when dealing with public bodies, institutions and the media. Working in partnership with the Foundation Board, she is also responsible for the strategic development of the foundation’s business promotion activities.


Donia Lasinger

Donia Lasinger