Disclosure pursuant to section 14 Austrian Business Code, section 5 E-commerce Act and section 25 Media Act
Responsible for content:
B&C Privatstiftung
Universitätsring 14
1010 Vienna
T: +43 1 53 101-0
E: d.mayr@privat-stiftungen.at
Company register number: 203482p
Court of registration: Vienna Commercial Court
Founder: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Foundation Board:
Dr. Erich Hampel (Chairman of the Board)
Dr. Wolfgang Hofer
Mag.a Birgit Noggler
Foundation Purpose:
The purpose of the B&C Private Foundation is to manage the assets of the foundation carefully, to offer secure development opportunities for those companies in which the private foundation holds or acquires direct and indirect interests, and to foster entrepreneurship in Austria.
Purpose of website:
Information about the activities of the B&C Private Foundation
B&C Privatstiftung
Universitätsring 14
1010 Vienna
T: +43 1 53101 502
E: d.mayr@privat-stiftungen.at
Accessibility declaration:
The B&C Private Foundation is committed to ensure a high level of accessibility on its website. B&C strives to continuously improve the website and remove barriers. The following measures for a barrier-free access to the B&C Private Foundation‘s website have been implemented:
- The website can be operated by keyboard as well as by mouse.
- To improve readability, special attention has been paid to the font size, the high contrast between text and background and the text structure.
- Texts were formulated as simply as possible for maximum comprehensibility.
- A responsive design allows the website to be displayed optimally regardless of the end device and size settings.
- Images and graphics have been provided with descriptive texts as far as possible.
- The content (HTML) and the design (CSS) of the website are separated.