Winners in the Higher Education category
1. Platz für TU Graz
1 Prize
Project: 1st Prize: 3D Nanoprinting
Institution: TU Graz - Graz University of Technology, Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis
Project lead: Assoc. Prof. DI Dr. Harald Plank
2. Platz für Megan Cordill
2 Prize
Project: 2nd Prize: Unbreakable, flexible electronics
Institution: ÖAW - Erich Schmid Institute of Material Science (ESI)
Project lead: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Megan J. Cordill
Publikumspreis Hochschulforschung für TU Wien
3 Prize
Project: 3d Audience Prize: Parkinson-on-a-Chip
Institution: TU Wien - Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry
Project lead: Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Peter Ertl
Winners in the Research & Development in SMEs category
1. Platz Forschung & Entwicklung in KMU
1 Prize
Project: 1st Prize: Allergy Explorer – the key for allergy diagnosis
Company: MacroArray Diagnostics GmbH
Project lead: Dr. Christian Harwanegg, MBA
2. Platz für Bitmovin
2 Prize
Project: 2nd Prize: PROMETHEUS ­­– the future of video streaming
Company: bitmovin GmbH
Project lead: DI Stefan Lederer, DI Christopher Müller, Assoc.Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Christian Timmerer
3 Prize
Project: 3rd Audience Prize: Boosting e-waste-recycling
Company: UrbanGold GmbH
Project lead: DI Dr. Stefan Konetschnik

Houska Prize Winners Club

Networking platform for prize winners

Deepening ties and expanding the level of cooperation between universities and private research facilities is one of the B&C Private Foundation’s core goals. And to help achieve this over the long term, B&C set up the Houska Prize Winners Club in 2018. The aim is to promote exchange between business, science and research that goes beyond the annual Houska Prize award ceremony. All of the project owners and academics to have won the Houska Prize to date are members of an exclusive group of leading Austrian researchers.
